
Sake build steps are organized into targets. Targets are defined in a .shade file as an element starting with a # and can be set up to be dependent on each other.

An example .shade file illustrating the topics presented in this page appears at the end of the page. Be sure to review the build.cmd file as it changes slightly to pass a target to Sake.

Default Target

The first target in a .shade file is the default target. If Sake is executed without specifying a target, the default target is executed.


To indicate that a target target-b depends on target-a to run before it, add .target-a to the declaration of target-b:

#target-b .target-a

For example:

   log info='target a'

#target-b .target-a
   log info='target b'

#target-c .target-b
   log info='target c'

When run specifying target-c, the following output is produced:

>build.cmd target-c
info: target a
info: target b
info: target c

Dependencies can also be specified from the predecessor by using the target attribute:

#target-1 target="target-2"
   log info='target 1'

#target-2 target="target-3"
   log info='target 2'

   log info='target 3'

Running target-3 executes target-1 and target-2 as expected:

>build.cmd target-3
info: target 1
info: target 2
info: target 3

Multiple Dependencies

To specify multiple dependencies, list them in order in the definition of the target:

   log info='target x'

   log info='target y'

#target-z .target-y .target-x
   log info='target z'

Note that .target-y appears before .target-x in the dependency list, and when target-z is run, target-y is run before target-x:

>build.cmd target-z
info: target y
info: target x
info: target z



@echo off
cd %~dp0

SET CACHED_NUGET=%LocalAppData%\NuGet\nuget.%NUGET_VERSION%.exe

IF EXIST "%CACHED_NUGET%" goto copynuget
echo Downloading latest version of NuGet.exe...

IF NOT EXIST "%LocalAppData%\NuGet" md "%LocalAppData%\NuGet"
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; Invoke-WebRequest '' -OutFile '%CACHED_NUGET%'"

IF EXIST .nuget\nuget.exe goto restore
md .nuget
copy "%CACHED_NUGET%" .nuget\nuget.exe > nul

IF EXIST packages\Sake goto run
.nuget\NuGet.exe install Sake -ExcludeVersion -Source -Out packages

packages\Sake\tools\Sake.exe -f makefile.shade %*


use namespace="System"

   log info='default'

#target-c .target-b
   log info='target c'

   log info='target a'

#target-b .target-a
   log info='target b'

   log info='target 3'

#target-1 target="target-2"
   log info='target 1'

#target-2 target="target-3"
   log info='target 2'

   log info='target x'

   log info='target y'

#target-z .target-y .target-x
   log info='target z'